Wellness Lives • Wellness Breathes • Wellness Works

How healthy is your organization? Before you dig into your financials, take a look around the office. Is your workforce engaged, enthusiastic and empowered? Are your employees positive, productive and passionate about their work? The most successful employee wellness programs start with a commitment from leadership to provide ongoing support and education, as well as incentives to participate.

We are a nation under stress–in our work and in our home lives. Too much stress can lead to a number of health problems, from sleeplessness and high blood pressure to poor diet and substance abuse. These are all risk factors for heart disease, depression, gastrointestinal issues, obesity and countless other medical conditions.

As healthcare costs continue to rise, wise employers are investing in the health of their workforce.

A healthy workforce doesn’t just live and breathe to work. A healthy workforce lives and breathes—and thrives—at work.

The cost of healthcare continues to rise. Yet Americans are sicker than ever.

Overweight 75%
Obese 33%
One or More Chronic Ilnesses 40%
quick snapshot

 “A quick snapshot of our nation’s health demonstrates an urgent need for restorative and preventive healthcare. We believe there’s no better place to start than in the workplace.”

–Jenna Richardson

When you invest in the health of your employees, you invest in your company’s future.

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Wellness at Work

Wellness at Work

Increases Productivity

Decrease in Absenteeism 27%

Reduces Costs

Decrease in Healthcare Expenditures 26%

Boosts Morale

Employees say workplace wellness is key to good health 55%

Transform Your Workplace

PIH can help keep your company healthy with a custom program to meet the unique needs of your workforce. Our offerings include:

Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Counseling

Stress Management

Stress Management

Holistic Movement

Holistic Movement

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

In-House Medical Care

In-House Medical Care

On-Call Medical Team

On-Call Medical Team

Lifestyle Change

Lifestyle Change

Contact Us Today